About Music Therapy

About Music Therapy

Music Therapy is the planned, programmatic use of music to restore, maintain and improve emotional, mental and physiologic health and well being. Through singing, playing instruments, listening to music, songwriting, discussion of lyrics, improvisation, moving to music and music-imagery exercises, the music therapist facilitates improved communication and motor skills, social interaction and emotional health.

Singing and playing musical instruments enhances muscle control. For participants who cannot form sentences, songs provide a context to interact with others and build communication skills. This interaction increases self-esteem and independence. In addition, many clients find — through music — a means of expression previously untapped.

A desired outcome of music therapy is increased self-esteem and independence. Clearly the skills learned in music therapy empower people with disabilities to become more fully integrated into their communities.

For insights on how music therapy touches the lives of our clients, watch music therapist Titia in conversation with Dianne and her daughter Ashley, a MMTF client since 2011.

Links to NY Times Articles

To learn more about music therapy visit these websites:

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